Toys! Toys! and umm..more TOYS!

I Love them! I, collect what I can, play with what I can, display what I can. I read an article about them the other day...Forbes, just put out their "Most Popular Toys Of The Last 100 Years" list/article. I think I had to read it two-three times do to I found it very interesting! Did you know that John Lloyd Wright, the son of Frank Lloyd Wright invented Lincoln Logs! Or that Mr. Potato head originally came with no head and kids played with real potatoes. I had forgotten that, but didn't know it was the first toy advertised on TV, that's just great. Even better...the first action figure was based off of Scarlett O'Hara from Gone With the Wind! I have to have that!
Since I've always loved to collect toys from what I can remember, I've decided to really collect them. Off of the list that Forbes came out with there are several that I just have to have!!! For instance can you imagine owning the first Ragged Ann Doll from 1915! I would love that. My only down fall would be that I'd want to play with what I got. I have started my list of toys that I must have and start to slowly obtain, somehow. I'm not totally sure how this collector thing works and I'm sure some stuff is pricey. I'd like to start though. I already have a few items on my list...Scrabble (not sure what year but since it was my Grandma's regardless of the year it works). I added Bionicles to the list, since they should of been on Forbes list and they slacked on the current decade, which I have those. I'd like to see the first jigsaw puzzle too, that would be interesting. A slinky (1948) was on the list, which is why I decided to post this picture. I don't actually have a slinky...Yet.
Toys are just fun no matter what age you are. I think people just forget how fun they are when they "grow up". If you are interested in reading the article here's the link. Maybe you will find it as interesting as I did. And if you don't you've probably forgotten how to be a kid, and I'd suggest you re-learn how fun it can really be! Go out and Play with a toy today!

Ha! I'm number one! Again...Okay bye!
Ha! Number two! Wait...Oh whatever
AND...Number three! Yeah laugh at that one. Ha!!!!!
I'm not even going to bother. You get it.
Number five! Hmm, maybe I should've posted that when I was number 1.
Hi: I am on my way to the Family Christmas party at Angelas and will miss you since you will probably be outside playing with your toys in the snow or building a snow man. Merry white Christmas.
Love Poppy
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