Sunday Night Madness

Okay so once again I have no idea where those 2 weeks went. If you find them please give me their Geographic coordinates so that I may go retrieve them. (In my new handy dandy Sports Jet)
Apparently I have been busy forgetting what I have been up to. According to my calendar I have watched Prison Break, Football and some other random shows. Along with rollerblading, played volleyball on Wednesday nights with a girls team, swam with masters for the first time, along with the everyday cycle of work, exercising, cooking, and not enough sleeping.
Last week we finally received our sofa, love seat, coffee and end tables. Although the love seat and sofa were WRONG we are wondering what to do with them, probably keep them. I have also set up my 20Gal. Fish tank that I got for $10, at a garage sale. I put some fish in it so far. Granted I have killed none, they probably will kill themselves. 4 fish, Tiger Barbs, are not getting along (names - Jack, Alpha, Beta and Gamma). At first Jack was tormenting the other 3. Weirdness Jack had the battle wound. I put Jack in a small breeding container in the tank and now Beta is tormenting Alpha and Gamma. No good. I let Jack out and put Beta in the container. Now Alpha is tormenting mostly Jack. Gamma although smaller doesn't seem to be bothered by the others. When I let Beta out, Jack and him went NUTS, trying to establish who was the dominate in the tank. Needless to say I don't want fish dead in the morning so I might take the Tiger Barbs back. Leaving me with 2 swordtails (Justin and Summer - Justin Summer) and a redtailed shark (no name yet). With more to come.
This weekend was the first that we had people over. Mostly a spontaneous football gathering. We made chili, first attempt and turned out pretty good! With garlic mashed potatoes. This weekend I went to the Great Pumpkin farm near here, with Mike and his friend that was in town. They mostly took pictures (the main reason for going), while I took some and laughed at them. Along with that I was attacked by a Turkey! It liked my ring I guess, tried to get it off me, it is nice and shiny.
Now I shall make my attempt again to not loose 2 weeks.
Footnote: Cowboys are playing awesome! Well winning. Guess Bledsoe really did just need an Offensive Line. Whoda thunk.

Just read your latest Blog. If you think time goes fast just wait til your my age. I can not get as much done in a days time as I uised to because the time has speeded up so much. The Cowboys won but they did not bring the same team that beat Philadelphia. I hope the better team shows up next week for the Seattle Game then the can rest for a week end. Love - Poppy
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