
My scary Halloween story is short, but scary. So, brace yourself...Ready. I drove a forklift! I know! Terrifying. I destroyed nothing, broke nothing, and lived to tell the tale. It was either my boss or me. Being a hero, as it were, I spared my boss and learned to maneuver the beast so that when the time comes I can take one for the team. Containing the creature with little brainpower, I was able to fully understand it's language. When my time comes I will be able to rescue the deliveries off the trucks to bring them to safety within the warehouse.
And that my friend is my scary story to be passed down from graphic artist to graphic artist.
Now call me a nerd, call me a dork, call me what you will but this I found to be very cool! I recently read Meg by Steve Alten. It's about a pre-historic shark - Megladon. This shark bypasses the size of any Great White by triple to quadruple. It could swallow a small car. The book was entertaining non the less, probably due to my fascination with sharks. While reading this I came across an actual fact. That in the early 1900's a fish was discovered that was thought to be extinct over 65 Million years ago. That's living with the dinosaurs! And even more living with Megladon, which is thought to be extinct 25 to 1.6 Millions years ago. Crazy! I ran to my computer to check the fact out.
I have now finished the book and was watching TV randomly flipping stations. (Here comes the nerdy part, if you didn't see it already). They were talking about the fish that I had just read about! Sweet! I watched the full hour documentary about this fish - how is was discovered, (even though it was here all along, and humans could just be ignorant, since fisherman have seen it before), where it lives and scientist new thrill to learn more about it.
Coelacanth, was found by a fisherman in 1938, not far south from where their habitat is. It lived with the dinosaurs - even out lived them and surprising had only little changes. I find this to be pretty cool. I know there are other species out there that are probably this old, but this is my area of interest :-)
I should of been a Marine Biologist...

Believe it or not I watched the same program and found it very interesting. Did you see where the lady got to swim with it? I thought that would have been neat to see. Hope all is well talk to you soon.
Did the story tell you where the phrase "something fishy" came from?
Love - Poppy
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