Happy New Year

Happy late New Year. I wanted to post this picture because it's a portrait of my good friend Sun. I haven't seen Sun in a while and I miss her very much. I saw her 4 times last month. I uploaded the picture last night to write today at work, and of course Sun is out today. At least for now, I know she will be gone by the time I'm out of here.
I was off of work the week after Christmas. My intension was to post at least once with my new toys. Then the laziness set in. Hey, I was off, so I lounged. Christmas day I woke Mike up at 10am (I had already let him sleep in long enough, it could of been 6am) we made some tea and went to see what Santa had left us. I had more presents under the tree (thanks mom!) so he handed a bunch to me before he opened one. Let's see I got clothes, a book, trinkets, 2 Native American pictures, Batman blanket, a Longhorns shirt (that I wore proudly yesterday! I forgot about it or I would of worn it Wed. I did wear it for the game, Mike got one too and I had him wear his for the game as well...Thanks Mom!!!). Mike got me a Bionicle set that I wanted and a Shiatsu massage cushion. My mom got him a Tool Set, I got him a zoom lens for his camera, a salad spinner, cause he complained about the lettuce being too wet many a times. Thanks to my freelance job I was able to blow up one of his pictures on his photoblog, do all the pre-press printing stuff and print it at 16x20, laminate and frame it for the living room. While he played with his lens, by bolting to the sliding glass door when he saw a squirrel (never seen a young man so excited to see a squirrel) I made breakfast. The rest of the day was followed by, watching the LOTR 1 (which I bought him for xmas last year the set of three and a year later we watched), diner was Chicken Alfredo, and then a relaxing game of scrabble by the fire. And that was Christmas :-)

Last week I had some work that needed to be done, but as I said I went with the laziness. I decided to watch the rest of the LOTR, 1 DVD per day to break it up. I liked it much better the second time. I think that's cause I forgot what happened in the 1st movie by the time I saw the 2nd and was just too confused, same with the 3rd. I watched Ellen everyday cause she's just great. Wednesday, Mike and took his mom to go see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra for xmas, his sister and her boyfriend came too. It was about 3 hours long, but worth it, lot of fun. Thursday my sister and her kids came to visit for a little bit. It was nice to see them. I should be going down to see them sometime soon too.
Now I am back at work this week and in full force with a ton of work to be done. Normally we aren't this busy this time of year. I have 6 banners to design, with pictures that the client provided. When the pics are blown up they meet different sizes that they need to be at, so I have to decide how to clip them and make them all even. I have a 10x10 booth that's giving me a creative brawl. A central vacuum company that wants a custom clear tubing design to show the objects going through it. Easy enough...not if you have to make it free standing and not topple over when golf balls fly through it. I also have a few personal projects going on.
Being the smart person I can be at times I left my car door ajar for 6 days. Needless to say I got a ride to work from Mike's mom Tuesday. We tried to jump it for 1/2 hour that night and only got the Door Light to work. LOL. So, we pushed it to the mechanic that night (2 drive ways down) and they charged it all day. At least I got to drive Mike's Audi for 2 days :-) I'm ready for a new car.
Well, that website that I worked on for months is up. Months cause the client took a long time to give information and make changes. They uploaded it yesterday. They are saying that a part of it isn't working but I tested it several times and it works for me. So, I think it's on their part but not really sure. I don't really like the design. But it's the first site that I've done and I did all the coding for it. With a little help from Mike showing me the ropes on a few things, (Thanks Mike). It was designed by my freelancer and me, although I don't remember who did what. So, it's Done it's up, minus the coming soon pages they can't seem to get info for. I'd love to make a few changes on it too, but the client get's what they want. Even though it would look better.
That felt like writting a novel, see what happens when I don't post for a while.

Happy New Year to you. I hope you enjoyed the great game even if you did not wear your Texas Shirt!
Love - Poppy
Hola!!!!! We miss you!
And what about mentioning the nice turkey dinner on the 2nd with all of us?
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