
I took this picture the other day when the wind chill was in the single digits. I think this is the Tonawanda River, it starts in the Lake and dumps into the Falls. I think it's cool seeing all the snow/ice floating by.
This past Sunday I got to go skiing for the first time. I've been water skiing since I was 7 and it being similar to snow skiing I've always wanted to try it out. Minus the cold wind I really enjoyed it. We found an easy hill shortly after a few bunny runs (and me yelling at the group of people "I can't STOP") that which was tons of fun to go down. On one run I lost my ski and had to back track. My next run, a women lost her pole, knowing how it was to loose something and back track I attempted to help her out. By running her pole over I somehow knocked it closer. LOL, she was thankful at my attempt. I'd like to go again this year if the snow lasts a little longer, it might since we just got it. I think I'm going to look into purchasing my own skis and a season pass next year.
This week I'm working in the mornings at my freelance job. The guy is out of town and I'm covering for him. Today I had a banner to print and after 3 hours of printer troubleshooting I was able to start it. There were two errors that I've never ran into before. One the rail was dirty, causing the carriage to stop in the middle of the track. Second, the light black cartridge, even though young in it's life was bad and had to be replaced. I seem to enjoy printing so far, I don't get frustrated with it as some would. My other job is currently annoying and frustrating though. Which I won't go into cause it's just too much.
Last Friday I had a late night out and about. Dan, a swimmer friend (from Manhattan Beach, which met here), was in town with his friend. They were looking to have some fun so he took Michelle (another swimmer friend) Mike and I out. We ate a Tully's played a few games then headed over to play some Laser tag. Which again, I've never played but it was fun. I tried to use my newly developed Far Cry skills (the first person shooter game that I bought Mike for Valentine's day, which I've stolen from him to play).
Well, that's what I've been up to these past 2 weeks. Now I'm off to write my work out for the day.
-Keeping warm until my next post...

You are starting to like the ice and snow and skiing more and more. You'll be begging for the snow to come in the summertime.
I am glad to know you are enjoying the snow. When you come back to California you ski in the morning at one of the ski resorts and the go swiming in the ocean in the afternoon.
Love Poppy
I like your grandpa's comment! Wish I could've seen you skiing. You must've been hilarious to watch :). Miss you and love you lots!!!
When you water ski you get a better tan - actually you were sking at age 6 - you just didnt know it - I agree with Katricia - it probably was hilarious
Falling in the water and doing face plants is less painful than running into trees- Actually did you know that the guy who invented snowboarding was a really good surfer - he didnt like sking because of having to lug skis around - so he developed the board.
Let me know when you learn the triple axle - Maybe you and Mike can do ice dancing
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