Here then There

Now that Trish has seen her Birthday post, I can update it. :-P
The city, night shot is of Chicago. Which I guess means that I went there. I flew out there to help set up a 20'x25' booth for work. The exhibit for our company is big, but compared to the other exhibits there it was ant like! We set it up for the NPE 2006 show at the McCormick center. The first thing I noticed was that other than my boss and I, there were No other females. I got in on a Wednesday and Thursday we set up the booth. We weren't allowed to touch much due to the union, which was annoying since I could of put it up faster. After it was all up, The Client told my boss he wanted it the opposite way it 180 degrees. Lucky for me I had a 8am flight that Friday morning to Iowa.

Second part of my trip was Iowa. Can you tell Abelina has grown? I meet Trish in Iowa for a few days. She had to go for a wedding, and good timing it's only a puddle jump from Chicago. Most of the time I babysat Abelina, which I enjoyed very much. I had her ride a bike in Walmart, that was tons of fun. And she discovered that Jello is fun to play with and it edible. Trish was in the wedding so I 'got' to hold the squirmy Abelina standing for the whole wedding and pictures in the hot sun. Oh and we were both in dresses so it wasn't like we could just go play instead - or we would of. All in all it was a great trip! And was very happy to spend what time I could with Trish.
In a few days I leave for a CRUISE! My mom and I are leaving from Ft. Lauderdale and going on a 5 night cruise to Key West, Cozumel and Belize. This is my graduation gift from her. I'm very excited and will post more when I get back. Until I have to go Pack!!!

I'm first! I'm first! Anyway, I am so excited for you!!! Please call me and let me know how much fun it was. Kiss and hug mom for me. Pretend I am there and do something crazy (I know you will anyway). Love you!!!
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