O Divine

"O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled...as to console
To be understood...as to understand,
To be loved...as to love,
It is in giving...that we receive,
It is in pardoning, that we pardoned,..."
There's not a day that passes that I don't think of you. There's not a day that passes that I don't wonder if you are still watching over me. There's not a day that passes that I ask myself, if you would be proud.... 4,018 days and I just want to tell you about my day.
Did you know...
- My Soph. yr. in HS I was mvp of the swim team and went to CIF
- I made the Dean's list in College
- I fell in love and followed my heart across the nation
- I bruised my sternum dirt bike riding
- I confessed my small roll of stealing out of a vending machine in HS with everyone else, when everyone told me to leave cause my mom was there
- On my first waterpolo game I belched so loud the building shook, as my mom laughed and said not my daughter, I played waterpolo
- I failed a class on purpose so that I wouldn't have to take it the next semester
- I've had the same best friend for 13 yrs.
- I love Batman, sharks, toys, playing sports, reading - I loved Jane Eyre
- I am an artist, I animate, draw, design create
- Scrabble is one of my favorite games
- I went into a Fabric store and bought material and used it, more than once!

I know she is proud and watches over you often. Love you!
Jenifer - This is beautiful and I am grateful that you expressed your feelings. You were very special to Grammy and I know she is still watching over you because that keeps you out of BIG trouble.
She is probably sitting up there saying - did you see that - my granddaughter did it - ANd on those days when you wonder - how did I ever think of that - she is probably smiling over you.
I am proud of you and know she is too
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