They came! My mom, Trish and Abelina came to cold Clarence for a surprise visit. I had an idea they were coming, but didn't actually think it was true! They walked into my work at 1:30 Friday afternoon. I was definitely surprised and very pleased! You'll remember Abelina from my August post - "It's a Girl". I was very happy to be able to show them around and where I live! Of course they came on a good weekend for cold. It was in the 20's Friday and Saturday and a wind chill on top of that. I left work at 2 and took them to the bar where my boss and I go on Friday's, for a late lunch. Shortly after showing them around our 3 bedroom place, they each fell asleep in the closest plop spot. I decided on going to Tully's for dinner which turned out great. Trish loved it based on the size of the sodas and free refills (which with sodas that big who needs a refill?) The rest of the night we played with Abelina and watched her roll around making faces at us.
Saturday was full of playing with Abelina. I think she could watch my fish tank for hours in awe. While we were lounging I challenged Trish to a racing game on the Xbox. My mom joined in on the second race. That was quite comical. I finished with a time of 3 something, and went to take a shower. When I got out my mom just finished her race with a time of 18 minutes. LOL, I love her persistence. In her defense, it was an ice race, so the road was all ice making it harder. That night we took them to Niagara Falls. Did you know that when you go across the boarder there's a special entrance for strollers! Me being the smart one walked through one of those tall full body turnstyles, I finally got though taking baby steps. When we were coming back to the US I think they saw me coming, cause they came out of the office to tell me where to go.
Sunday morning I made my mom Blueberry muffins, (her entire freezer is stocked with blueberries when they go on sale, but she doesn't like them or anything). Most of the snow melted from our snow fall on Thursday, but there was just enough for some fun. Trish and I built a midget snowman, followed by a snow fight between my mom, Trish and I. Mike had his camera so we couldn't really throw any at him. But I told him to put his camera in the air cause I was going to hit him, he had to get one.
A few weeks ago I had asked my mom to send me my guitar. She made a comment about, why don't I just bring it to you. I told her it would probably get to me faster if she sent it, since she's never been out to see me. Guess I was wrong :-) She kind of reminded me of The Sound of Music, the way she walked in my work guitar in hand.
The picture below I took. I remember as a kid how much fun boxes are, and I just happen to have one. She definitely loved playing in it. This was my favorite pic that I took of her, with her happy smile. I tried to fix the image - the flash blew it out (all white, no detail) and in turn it looks like it was taken in the 80's, at least to me.
Mike took some great pictures this weekend so check out his photoblog this week! He posted some of Canada and will post Abelina pictures later this week. Also I meant to post this link on my last 2 posts.
It's a picture of me playing in the ice again. lol. It really never gets old!
And now it's back to reality. Back to work Monday morning and everything that goes with it. It was more than nice to see them, but hard when they leave. It's definitely not very easy being so far away from family and friends. You start to miss the everyday life of just having them there.