Sunday, September 12, 2004

Executive decision and more...

Summary - I work at a small buisness, small as in my boss and I work there running an exhibit and design company. Every now and then there's a shop guy that comes in and repairs some products. Most though it's -my boss- and -me-. I've worked there 5 weeks including the week I took off to go to Skylake. Right now we have a dial up internet connection. One of the first things I asked her was why didn't she have a faster connection since we transfer large files. She had looked into the option of getting a cable/DSL/T1 connection but it wasn't offered in our area. Which is weird. Anyways, she left it up to me to look into all options. Then we got a phone call from a company that was selling T1 connections. Since, she doesn't know much about computers at all she left it up to -me- to do the research. The T1 guy came in the office on thursday for a meeting. When I was in on Wednesday I had breifly written a few important questions out to ask him, computer questions. She asked me to come in on Thursday (I was working part-time) to meet with her and the T1 guy.

What actually happened - I get to work, I'm not there 1/2 hour when the T1 guy comes in. She tells me to go start the meeting. So, I go into the meeting room (show room) and set up the meeting. He starts to tell me about what they have to offer the company and why it benefits it. The guy did his research, I know all salesmen do. Well, so did I :-) . -Me- Jen switched from "just out of college non-knowing small buisness Jen" to "Super asker questioner know what the small company needs Jen" I asked all the question!!! And not just the computer questions mind you. The buisness questions too!!! As in why we need what phone lines we have, the cost compared to what we pay now, contracts, all the questions one would have to know in order to make a decision for a company. Well, after the meeting was coming to a close -my boss- coming in just a few minutes prior looks at me and askes me what I think. I give her the low down she nods, then.... THEN... Leaves the decision up to -ME-! Not her the owner of the company but -ME- I'm to decide wether or not to get this T1 connection and all that goes with it. If I say no we don't get it. If I say yes we get it!!

Now I know making a "simple" decision like internet provider/phone company (long distance, local, and toll numbers, so it was a little more complicated :-) ) is a simple one if it's for your own personal use, home stuff. But to decide it for a company! One that will benefit and hopefully bring in more profits after 4 weeks of actual work!! You might be able to say I'm on Cloud 9. :-D

Other news. I bougth a car. It's a '97 Saturn SC2. Just like I had before but 2 years newer. Dark Green, no air conditioning but you need that here 3 days out of a year. It needs new brake pads, rotors and calipers in the rear in 6 months or so, but that was deducted in the price I paid for it. But we might be able to do it our selves...we'll see... :-D We did Mike's brake pads yesterday, now he's on an Auto Zone high! It's tons of fun though. I bought screws for my car yesterday, for the license plate holder, the ones on were all rushed. :-)

And more news...Football season is FINALLY under way!!! To top that off I'm in a fantasy footbal league! Okay that's it for now. Until next headline news...

Wednesday, September 08, 2004


I've been trying to think of a way to keep in touch with those that I want to. ;-) Now that I'm working it's harder for me to respond to emails faster due to the pain of slow internet access at the moment. We are trying to get a T1 at work right now. I thought of a website, but that's a lot of effort right now. :-P So, after further review and much contemplation I set this up. It's a blog as you can tell. I can put up posts when things are new in life or interesting or if it's the same old BS. As far as I can tell I can put up pictures as needed as well, when I figure out how to do that I shall. ;-/ But hey I got this far right.

Now I titled this update didn't I. Then I'll update you I suppose. Work is good. I'm starting to get more hours in which is great for pay but crap for getting up early. I'm in the process of looking at buying a car. I'm taking it to a mechanic, Friday to have it looked at. Yeah back to work, I just finished another project and I'm sending it to print tomorrow. It's a 19''x37'' panel for a trade show. It was simple considering they wanted it exactly like one they had previously bought and we had bits and peices of the files so just had to paste together. Except for that difficult green image that needed to be YELLOW, hours on photoshop. You'd think it was easy considering yellow is in GREEN. And, that's work. It's still fun for now. :-)

Okay another quick topic would be My Birthday. What did I do? I worked, went to Mike's volleyball game, and had cake. That was the actual day itself. But the highlight would be that Mike took me to go see Cirque du Soleil, Alegria in Toronto. Which was AWESOME! To bad you can't take pictures of that! Then out to eat.

Well, that's it for now. Guess I'll play some more to learn how this works more. And I hope you do the same. ;-)
