Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I went with some fellow swimmer friends to the Sabre's first playoff game against the Flyers. I was lucky enough to sit on the ice, on the side of the winning goal. You can kind of tell how close I am, since the camera I used doesn't have great zoom. The game was pretty crazy and definitely Awesome sitting so close! You never really get use to the puck and players slamming into the glass in front of you...Nor fights right there.

The month of April seems to have gone almost too fast! My boss was off for two weeks and I had to take care of the company. So, that I'd have a job when she got back. I also have been doing freelancing to keep me even busier. Along with...Mike's birthday is tomorrow. Guess I should come up with something :-P

Swimming - has been slow. I've been doing it. But I have a much stronger desire to go play outside than swim. I wish the river was say 20* warmer. So, that I could go wakeboarding! The building manager Kenny, who I've gone out with before...Is ALREADY out there! So cold! The water is in the 40's and in order to use my shortie...I'd Prefer 60's at least. But that will probably happen the end of June. And I just don't think I can wait that long.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

O Divine

"O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be to console
To be to understand,
To be to love,
It is in giving...that we receive,
It is in pardoning, that we pardoned,..."

There's not a day that passes that I don't think of you. There's not a day that passes that I don't wonder if you are still watching over me. There's not a day that passes that I ask myself, if you would be proud.... 4,018 days and I just want to tell you about my day.

Did you know...
- My Soph. yr. in HS I was mvp of the swim team and went to CIF
- I made the Dean's list in College
- I fell in love and followed my heart across the nation
- I bruised my sternum dirt bike riding
- I confessed my small roll of stealing out of a vending machine in HS with everyone else, when everyone told me to leave cause my mom was there
- On my first waterpolo game I belched so loud the building shook, as my mom laughed and said not my daughter, I played waterpolo
- I failed a class on purpose so that I wouldn't have to take it the next semester
- I've had the same best friend for 13 yrs.
- I love Batman, sharks, toys, playing sports, reading - I loved Jane Eyre
- I am an artist, I animate, draw, design create
- Scrabble is one of my favorite games
- I went into a Fabric store and bought material and used it, more than once!
