
Wow, it has been a while since I've posted. So much for the attempt on the 2-3 times a week. The house is coming along. We still haven't gotten our sofa and living room stuff. "Should" be in this week. I have been working on my computer updating it and getting only the best for it. I just bought memory for it, hopefully it works. I installed a better OS, and I'm loving it! Along with the most recent software. And as you can tell I'm on the internet, oh how my computer has longed for internet over this past internetless year!
One reason for not updating sooner, has been that I was sick for a week. Now I'm hopefully back on my feet again. Minus the coughing since I CAN'T SPIT IT OUT!!!
Here in NY your car has a yearly inspection, well mine failed due to it wasn't ready to be tested. The sensors were re-set, and aren't ready yet? Needless to say I think it has to be driven to be tested, therefore driven illegally? NY state very weird! I drove to the city yesterday and bought tires, they questioned my about my inspection, since I'm stickerless. Anyways, I bought 4 used tires that look new for $30 each, pretty worth it!
Let's see, you'd think lots would be new. But my brain just isn't thinking. I rollerbladed about 7 miles today with my friend Michelle. Mike broke the toilet, it's over flowing, when he was cleaning it wasn't my cooking that broke it! My car needs new brakes still, that's after I can drive legally. I'm hoping to have my first Master's swim workout this week, FINALLY!
The picture I posted was taken on the way to Glacier Point in Yosemite. I don't think it's great, I only like it because it's the moon. I attempted a longer exposure shot, and that's what I got. Kind of cool that the sky is bluer in the picture than it was there.
And now as I fall asleep, it's time to go relax with FOX Sunday night line up.