Happy Halloween...

I'll start by saying good luck trying to figure out what my pumpkin is. If you can figure it out, you either know me all to well or are just really good. I wanted to design my own and do some scoring. Therefore I did. Maybe next year I'll have a better grasp on what shows up well and what doesn't. I ended up doing 3 pumpkins this year.

This one I did for work. I also put Maggie the cat's eyes on it for the website. The still coming soon website. I think this one came out the best due to you can tell what it is LOL. Oh well, it was all fun.

So, I had to dress up for work...So I thought. My boss didn't dress up like she so often preaches. Turns out the mask I made her (printed out on the printer and cut out) her kids knocked it out of the car and her husband ran it over. She was just too grouchy about it she didn't dress up at all. I on the other hand had to come up with something where I could still work. I have to set some more truss up today so I couldn't wear anything that couldn't get dirty. This is what I came up with. I put up both pics because I think my smile in one pic looks dumb but some may disagree. I don't know which one is good, I don't like either of them. Can you tell what I am? It's simple enough - a rock climber that boulders, so no harness or rope needed.
And now I must go put up this truss! yeah!
Happy Halloween!